Symbol Formulas

I have a smartsheet that has two columns for symbols ( Yes, Hold, No symbols)

I'm trying to create a formula to have a summary of how many Yes's and how many No's there are so that I can then have a dashboard with a widget that gives a snapshot of this information. I've tried so many things but can't seem to get it to add up the symbols.


  • Brent Wilson
    Brent Wilson Community Champion

    Using a CountIF formula will tell you how many instances of the "Yes" occur in the column.

     =COUNTIF([Status1]:[Status1], "Yes")

    To add them together you would have to do a column with each formula

    =SUM(COUNTIF([Status1]:[Status1], "Yes"), COUNTIF([Status2]:[Status2], "Yes"))
    =SUM(COUNTIF([Status1]:[Status1], "Hold"), COUNTIF([Status2]:[Status2], "Hold"))
    =SUM(COUNTIF([Status1]:[Status1], "No"), COUNTIF([Status2]:[Status2], "No"))

    Or you can add some text to produce something like "Yes:12 No:6 Hold:8"

    ="Yes:" + SUM(COUNTIF([Status1]:[Status1], "Yes"), COUNTIF([Status2]:[Status2], "Yes")) + " No:" + SUM(COUNTIF([Status1]:[Status1], "No"), COUNTIF([Status2]:[Status2], "No")) + " Hold:" + SUM(COUNTIF([Status1]:[Status1], "Hold"), COUNTIF([Status2]:[Status2], "Hold"))

    ="Yes:" + SUM(COUNTIF([Status1]:[Status1], "Yes"), COUNTIF([Status2]:[Status2], "Yes")) + " No:" + SUM(COUNTIF([Status1]:[Status1], "No"), COUNTIF([Status2]:[Status2], "No")) + " Hold:" + SUM(COUNTIF([Status1]:[Status1], "Hold"), COUNTIF([Status2]:[Status2], "Hold"))

    Hope this helps..

    Remember if you have Business or above a perfect place for this is the sheet summary rather than putting it in columns

    Brent C. Wilson, P.Eng, PMP, Prince2

    Facilityy Professional Services Inc.

  • lizdesi
    lizdesi ✭✭
    edited 07/11/22

    I'm attempting to do a column with each formula but I'm getting stuck. I'm looking to add the columns separately. So total amount for example of devices picked up and then total dropped off ( Only Yes or No) we are not using the hold option

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