Nesting IF Formula


I am attempting to create a tracker and the current formula is creating the dreaded "#UNPARSEABLE". I essentially am trying to autopopulate a number into column two, based on the name entered into column one. When I utilize the formula =IF([Employee Name]1 = "John Doe", {Employee ID Numbers Range 1}) it works fine. But when I attempted to nest it is no longer working and I need it to be able to do this for 19 individuals.

Also open to other ways of going about this, I just need it be able to operate correctly.

=IF([Employee Name]1 = "John Doe", {Employee ID Numbers Range 1}), IF([Employee Name]1 = "Jane Doe", {Employee ID Numbers Range 2})


Best Answer

  • Mike TV
    Mike TV ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    edited 07/12/22 Answer ✓


    You need to remove the ) after the range in your first IF. The 2nd IF takes the place of the false condition but with the ) in place the first IF is wrapped up without a defined false condition.

    =IF([Employee Name]1 = "John Doe", {Employee ID Numbers Range 1}, IF([Employee Name]1 = "Jane Doe", {Employee ID Numbers Range 2})


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