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Merging a Trial Account

michelle14671 ✭✭
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2017 Posts

Hello, if one of my colleagues creates a trial account, can they move their sheets into their licensed user account once they are a licensed user on our team?


  • They sure can!

    If they're going to be using the same email address for their licensed account after their trial is over—they won't need to transfer any sheets; they'll all stay in the account.

    Otherwise, if their licensed account is with a different email address from their trial account, have them follow the steps in our Help Center article: https://help.smartsheet.com/articles/520103-changing-the-sheet-owner#sheet

    A paraphrased version of what they need to do:

    1. Share all sheets from their trial account to their licensed account.
    2. Sign in to the licensed account and, from the Home tab, right-click all of the sheets and select Make me the sheet owner. They'll need to do this per sheet.
    3. Check their email for the transfer confirmation, and have them click the confirmation link. They'll need to do this multiple times (for each sheet).

    Check the above help article for the full process.

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