Chart Widget


I'm creating a dashboard of a program status. I'll like to display a bar chart where I can see in the column the name of the Project and inside the number of activities per status.

Like a cumulative columns whit all the status per project

Vertical axes: #Task

Horizontal Task : Projects

Data display in a bar : # task per status

Is this possible?


Best Answer

  • KT_H
    KT_H ✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Yes! You would need a sheet that has the data in question to create a dashboard from. Is this data being sourced from a project sheet?

    Here is an example below:

    I have a metric sheet that evaluates data from my project sheet.

    An example of the formula that calculates this would be =COUNTIF({Status}, "Complete")

    This looks at the Status Column of my project sheet and looks for the status to match the value in quotes "Complete". This is showing that 20 tasks have been completed. I can then highlight this data in a dashboard widget.

    I can then highlight this data and add it to a dashboard chart widget.

    To add titles to the axis you can edit that in the chart widget editor.


  • KT_H
    KT_H ✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Yes! You would need a sheet that has the data in question to create a dashboard from. Is this data being sourced from a project sheet?

    Here is an example below:

    I have a metric sheet that evaluates data from my project sheet.

    An example of the formula that calculates this would be =COUNTIF({Status}, "Complete")

    This looks at the Status Column of my project sheet and looks for the status to match the value in quotes "Complete". This is showing that 20 tasks have been completed. I can then highlight this data in a dashboard widget.

    I can then highlight this data and add it to a dashboard chart widget.

    To add titles to the axis you can edit that in the chart widget editor.