How can I get rid of blanks when using join function pulling in from another Sheet?

Currently I have a column in a timeline sheet with the formula ==(IF(AND(Milestones@row = 1, [% Complete]@row < 0.1), Finish@row + " : " + [Task Name]@row, " ")) That says if Milestone column is checked, and Complete column is less than 100%, then combine Finish Date and Task Name with a : in between. I am wanting to JOIN this column into one cell in another sheet (Status Log), but without the blanks. I have this formula =JOIN({WEI-1376 - HT - Dairy New Formula Roun - T Range 4}, CHAR(10)) to pull this column in and separate the lines, however, it is pulling in the blanks making the cell really long instead of combining them together without blank in-between.

I have tried the Collect/Join formula, but it doesn't seem to work either, I keep getting #UNPARSEABLE. =JOIN(COLLECT({Join Date & Task}, {Milestone}, = 1, {% Complete}, < 0.1){Milestone Reporting}, CHAR(10) @cell < > "")

Screen shots attached.


  • Paul Newcome
    Paul Newcome ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Try this:

    =JOIN(COLLECT({Join Date & Task}, {Join Date & Task}, @cell <> "", {Milestone}, = 1, {% Complete}, < 0.1, {Milestone Reporting}), CHAR(10))

  • Jeff Reisman
    Jeff Reisman ✭✭✭✭✭✭


    Why do you have the CHAR(10) where you have it in this formula?

    =JOIN(COLLECT({Join Date & Task}, {Milestone}, = 1, {% Complete}, < 0.1){Milestone Reporting}, CHAR(10) @cell < > "")

    It's like it's sitting right in the middle of the second criteria range / criteria pair. And shouldn't the {Milestone Reporting}, @cell <> "" be inside the COLLECT?

    Try this one. The logic SHOULD be "collect the values from the Join Date & Task column where the Milestone is checked, % Complete is less than 10%, and where Milestone Reporting is not blank, and join them with a carriage return between values. This should exclude any row where Milestone Reporting is blank. (Make sure the color-coding on the parentheses matches - the open parentheses after JOIN should be the same color as the very last close parentheses.)

    =JOIN(COLLECT({Join Date & Task}, {Milestone}, 1, {% Complete}, < 0.1, {Milestone Reporting}, NOT(ISBLANK(@cell))), CHAR(10))


    Jeff Reisman

    Link: Smartsheet Functions Help Pages Link: Smartsheet Formula Error Messages

    If my answer helped solve your issue, please mark it as accepted so that other users can find it later. Thanks!

  • I took out the NOT(ISBLANK(@cell) and tried replacing with @cell < > "".. I think I just had a few things in the wrong order, which is why CHAR(10) was in the middle.. not end. I ended up making the following formula work for what I was looking to do: =JOIN(COLLECT({Milestone Reporting}, {Milestone}, 1, {Milestone Reporting}, NOT(ISBLANK(@cell))), CHAR(10))

    I only needed to use one of the columns Milestone Reporting OR Join Date & Task in the formula. I had created 2 different columns with 2 different formulas to try to use JOIN formulas different on the other sheet... of course neither worked in what I was doing.

    The formula you provided gave me a #REF in return. so I modified it to use Milestone Reporting column only.

    Thanks for your help!!


  • I only needed to use one of the columns Milestone Reporting OR Join Date & Task in the formula. I had created 2 different columns with 2 different formulas to try to use JOIN formulas different on the other sheet... of course neither worked in what I was doing.

    The formula you provided gave me a #UNPARSEABLE in return. So I modified Jeff's formula: =JOIN(COLLECT({Join Date & Task}, {Milestone}, 1, {% Complete}, < 0.1, {Milestone Reporting}, NOT(ISBLANK(@cell))), CHAR(10)) to look at the one column.

    Thanks for your help!!


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