nested formula help


Hi, I've tried multiple variations of this formula and cant seem to get it to work.

If high level status is "inactive" and detailed status is "abandoned", then turn the patent status column to say A

If high level status is "inactive" and detailed status is "closed", then turn the patent status column to say A

If high level status is "active" and detailed status is "pending", then turn the patent status column to say P


what have I done wrong to get formula error:

My formula (error message = unparseable)

my formula I entered:

=IF(([High Level Status]@row = "Inactive") + ([Detailed Status]@row = "Abandoned"), "A"), IF(([High Level Status]@row = "Inactive") + ([Detailed Status]@row = "Closed"), "A"), IF(([High Level Status]@row = "Active") + ([Detailed Status]@row = "Pending"), "P"))

thanks so much,


Best Answer

  • MedaUser
    MedaUser ✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Instead of using the "+", you should use the AND() formula. See below:

    =IF(AND([High Level Status]@row = "Inactive",[Detailed Status]@row = "Abandoned"), "A", 
    IF(AND([High Level Status]@row = "Inactive",[Detailed Status]@row = "Closed"), "A", 
    IF(AND([High Level Status]@row = "Active",[Detailed Status]@row = "Pending"), "P")))


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