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Conditional Formatting For 11 Months From a Date

edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2017 Posts

Hi Everyone,


Thanks in advance for the help. Here is what I'm trying to accomplish. A service is sold on a specific date. We want a "timer" to start that will highlight the row yellow when it's 2 months from expiring. We want to highlight any row within the 10 month window from start date to be green & dates beyond 365 days to turn red. It would also be nice when we input a date in "Date In Service" column to then automatically populate a date 12 months from then in Tune-Up column. 


Any thoughts on how to make this happen?


  • Here's the solution I came up with:

    First, edit your Project Settings to set up the appropriate start date and end date columns. Then check "Dependencies Enabled" to create a Duration column. Once you enter a date in your start date column, put "e52w" in the Duration column (the "e" means the task will ignore non-working time that you have input on your account). Finally, set up the conditional formatting rules as seen in the image below.

    Hope that helps!


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