Show & Tell

Show & Tell

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ProcessPower - Leadership

edited 04/24/24 in Show & Tell

Share your Process Power and consider answering the following questions:

  • Is your power something you intuited or something you learned? A little bit of both - call it Learned Intuition. Certain aspects of being a leader came to me naturally, most likely through organized sports and athletics, like conflict resolution or team building. Others were either learned along the way or currently in process.
  • Describe a time when you utilized your power and Smartsheet to succeed at work? This is almost daily. As a Quality Manager in manufacturing we use Smartsheet throughout our QMS. From document retention to supplier dashboards to non-conformance reporting to training plans it is fully integrated into our QMS and culture. Most recently I've been tailoring training quizzes from Smartsheet forms which are automatically graded upon submission and are accessible through a training repository page in SharePoint. Creating an entire training program for a company is no small task and it took me grabbing the reigns at the beginning of 2022 to make it happen. Sometimes you have to tell yourself to "Just do it."
  • Fill in the blank: I feel most in my power when I am in the zone.

Regards - JC


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