Countifs and the use of OR

I am currently using the Countifs function to count the number of "Yes" responses to several questions that are asked using a SmartSheet Form. Some of the questions are designed in a way that does not capture anything creating an empty field in the question for a particular row. I need to be able to count "empty" fields as part of the "Yes" responses. Countifs is used with the logic of "And" for each range and criteria. Is there a way to incorporate "OR" logic into this function?


  • Tomasz Giba
    Tomasz Giba ✭✭✭✭✭

    Hi @Jeff_ARC

    Please share a formula and a screen shot if possible.


    Tomasz Giba

  • Jeff_ARC
    Jeff_ARC ✭✭✭

    Example: =COUNTIFS([5. Is the NC Type acceptable?]:[5. Is the NC Type acceptable?], "Yes", [6. Are Discovery and Occurrence Dates accurate?]:[6. Are Discovery and Occurrence Dates accurate?], "Yes")

    There are actually many questions involved in this formula but they are additive to what is provide. The question is can OR logic be used to both cells with "Yes" record and with nothing (Blank) recorded?

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