Sumifs 2 columns

ginamt3 ✭✭✭✭
edited 09/26/22 in Formulas and Functions

Hi, I need to add a column to my sumifs formula. I need to check if there is a payment in a new columns

This is my current formula.

=SUMIFS({payment Log Ret Dep}, {Pay Log RETAIN}, AND(IFERROR(WEEKNUMBER(DATEONLY(@cell)), 0) = Week@row, IFERROR(YEAR(DATEONLY(@cell)), 0) = 2022), {Payment Log PM2}, "Dean Hammel")

Best Answer

  • Kelly Moore
    Kelly Moore Community Champion
    Answer ✓

    Are you wanting to add together the Sums from your Column Retains and Non Cashes together to get one total?

    When you wrote this:

    =SUMIFS({payment Log Ret Dep}, {Pay Log RETAIN}, AND(IFERROR(WEEKNUMBER(DATEONLY(@cell)), 0) = Week@row, IFERROR(YEAR(DATEONLY(@cell)), 0) = 2022), {Payment Log PM2}, "Dean Hammel", {Payment Log 2022 NonCash}, {Pay Log RETAIN}, AND(IFERROR(WEEKNUMBER(DATEONLY(@cell)), 0) = Week@row, IFERROR(YEAR(DATEONLY(@cell)), 0) = 2022), {Payment Log PM2}, "Dean Hammel")

    Did you mean

    =SUMIFS({payment Log Ret Dep}, {Pay Log RETAIN}, AND(IFERROR(WEEKNUMBER(DATEONLY(@cell)), 0) = Week@row, IFERROR(YEAR(DATEONLY(@cell)), 0) = 2022), {Payment Log PM2}, "Dean Hammel") + SUMIFS( {Payment Log 2022 NonCash}, {Pay Log RETAIN}, AND(IFERROR(WEEKNUMBER(DATEONLY(@cell)), 0) = Week@row, IFERROR(YEAR(DATEONLY(@cell)), 0) = 2022), {Payment Log PM2}, "Dean Hammel")

    Try this and see if it is what you expected



  • Kelly Moore
    Kelly Moore Community Champion
    edited 09/27/22

    Hey @ginamt3

    What will indicate that a payment has been made? A Date? A dollar amount above zero? A checkmark?, etc. If you tell me what indicates a payment and tell me the name of your new range (column) I'll show you exactly what the formula will look like.

    To the end of your existing formula (before the closing parenthesis), you will add a comma, the new column, a comma, then the criteria for the indicated payment)

    =SUMIFS({payment Log Ret Dep}, {Pay Log RETAIN}, AND(IFERROR(WEEKNUMBER(DATEONLY(@cell)), 0) = Week@row, IFERROR(YEAR(DATEONLY(@cell)), 0) = 2022), {Payment Log PM2}, "Dean Hammel", {new range}, criteria for payment)

  • ginamt3
    ginamt3 ✭✭✭✭

    same criteria as the first {Pay Log RETAIN} it's based on dates.

  • ginamt3
    ginamt3 ✭✭✭✭

    =SUMIFS({payment Log Ret Dep}, {Pay Log RETAIN}, AND(IFERROR(WEEKNUMBER(DATEONLY(@cell)), 0) = Week@row, IFERROR(YEAR(DATEONLY(@cell)), 0) = 2022), {Payment Log PM2}, "Dean Hammel", {Payment Log 2022 NonCash}, {Pay Log RETAIN}, AND(IFERROR(WEEKNUMBER(DATEONLY(@cell)), 0) = Week@row, IFERROR(YEAR(DATEONLY(@cell)), 0) = 2022), {Payment Log PM2}, "Dean Hammel")

    This produces an error

  • Kelly Moore
    Kelly Moore Community Champion

    Hey Gina

    Remember you must keep the syntax of one range and one critieria pair. I'm not sure why many of the criteria are repeated? Inadvertent copy paste? I deleted the repeated terms.

    =SUMIFS({payment Log Ret Dep}, {Pay Log RETAIN}, AND(IFERROR(WEEKNUMBER(DATEONLY(@cell)), 0) = Week@row, IFERROR(YEAR(DATEONLY(@cell)), 0) = 2022), {Payment Log PM2}, "Dean Hammel", {Payment Log 2022 NonCash}, AND(IFERROR(WEEKNUMBER(DATEONLY(@cell)), 0) = Week@row, IFERROR(YEAR(DATEONLY(@cell)), 0) = 2022))

    Does the above give you what you needed?


  • ginamt3
    ginamt3 ✭✭✭✭

    I just tested. I put an amount in the NonCash and it did not update the column with the amount. no error given

  • Kelly Moore
    Kelly Moore Community Champion

    Here are 3 questions to please confirm:

    1. The Ret Dep column is what you want summed
    2. The formula was working, as expected, prior to the addition of the new column: NonCash
    3. NonCash is a date column

    A screenshot of the Payment Log sheet would be helpful (no sensitive data)

  • ginamt3
    ginamt3 ✭✭✭✭
    1. The Ret Dep column is what you want summed Yes, for the Week and specific PM
    2. The formula was working, as expected, prior to the addition of the new column: NonCash, Yes
    3. NonCash is a date column no, it's currency

  • Kelly Moore
    Kelly Moore Community Champion


    So NonCash not being a date column our problem with the current formula since the criteria is referring to dates. What is it about the NonCash column that indicates a payment has been made? A value greater than zero? I added this criteria in case I guessed correctly. If not, let me know and we can tweak. In your screenshot the NonCash column only shows blank cells.

    =SUMIFS({payment Log Ret Dep}, {Pay Log RETAIN}, AND(IFERROR(WEEKNUMBER(DATEONLY(@cell)), 0) = Week@row, IFERROR(YEAR(DATEONLY(@cell)), 0) = 2022), {Payment Log PM2}, "Dean Hammel", {Payment Log 2022 NonCash}, >0)

  • ginamt3
    ginamt3 ✭✭✭✭

    Maybe this will help. So in the Dean column for this week 9/26/22 it's supposed to look at the Column Retain/Deposit and NonCash and calculate the sum of payments for that week.

    Does that make sense? the original formula just did it for the Retain/Deposit week. Now I need to add the noncash.

  • Kelly Moore
    Kelly Moore Community Champion
    Answer ✓

    Are you wanting to add together the Sums from your Column Retains and Non Cashes together to get one total?

    When you wrote this:

    =SUMIFS({payment Log Ret Dep}, {Pay Log RETAIN}, AND(IFERROR(WEEKNUMBER(DATEONLY(@cell)), 0) = Week@row, IFERROR(YEAR(DATEONLY(@cell)), 0) = 2022), {Payment Log PM2}, "Dean Hammel", {Payment Log 2022 NonCash}, {Pay Log RETAIN}, AND(IFERROR(WEEKNUMBER(DATEONLY(@cell)), 0) = Week@row, IFERROR(YEAR(DATEONLY(@cell)), 0) = 2022), {Payment Log PM2}, "Dean Hammel")

    Did you mean

    =SUMIFS({payment Log Ret Dep}, {Pay Log RETAIN}, AND(IFERROR(WEEKNUMBER(DATEONLY(@cell)), 0) = Week@row, IFERROR(YEAR(DATEONLY(@cell)), 0) = 2022), {Payment Log PM2}, "Dean Hammel") + SUMIFS( {Payment Log 2022 NonCash}, {Pay Log RETAIN}, AND(IFERROR(WEEKNUMBER(DATEONLY(@cell)), 0) = Week@row, IFERROR(YEAR(DATEONLY(@cell)), 0) = 2022), {Payment Log PM2}, "Dean Hammel")

    Try this and see if it is what you expected


  • ginamt3
    ginamt3 ✭✭✭✭

    Second one work! Thank you so much for your time. I really appreciate it.

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