How do I integrate three sheets together?


I’m trying to design a new sheet structure and need some ideas. Let’s say for example I have one table that has Computers and another table that has Applications. A third table (App Records) contains a reference to both on a one to one basis. Each computer has multiple applications and each application is linked to multiple computers. Each line in the App Records sheet has a pointer to the related computer and related application.

I want to be able to create a form in Computers that shows all the Applications for that PC.

Lastly, I want to know if there are any limits to number of Applications which can be associated or displayed for the Computer. I have a listing of 8k computers, 15k applications and around 120k app records (although that number can be reduced if needed).


  • Mike TV
    Mike TV ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    @Kirk Vezie

    How many applications maximum do you need to track on a single computer?

  • Kirk Vezie

    Usually 20-30 but we’ve had as many as 110. Usually when the number climbs like that, we strip out unused ones, just makes for more work per box. We use a bulk import process and often bring in 60-80 machines at a time. Is there an upper limit we need to watch for?

  • Mike TV
    Mike TV ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    @Kirk Vezie

    Try creating a report with the Group being the computer name/number. You can tie multiple sheets to a report. It sounds like you may only need to tie two of the sheets together.

  • Mike TV
    Mike TV ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    @Kirk Vezie

    With that many computers, the report could get pretty lengthy. Once built, to use it you'll probably want to create a filter that's the computer name/number so you can look at just one computer at a time instead of scrolling to find the computer you want to view applications for.

  • Kirk Vezie

    My question was more about building the form with those elements. I don’t expect to be able to see each application when reviewing the computer table. My intent was to select a single computer line and go to a form which shows me everything including all the applications for that PC. I agree that a report without a direct means to filter by Computer would be unwieldy.

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