How to return a blank cell in my formula results when the referenced cell is blank?

I've been trying various different ways to add to my formula to return a blank cell when the date cell I'm referencing is blank, none seem to be working.

The formula should give me a 3 if the date is 0 - 90 days in the future, a 4 if between 90 - 120 days in the future, a 6 if 120 - 180 days and "over 6 months" if more than 180 in the future. I am using the value returned to setup conditional formatting so I need to figure out what to add into the formula to return a blank cell if the date cell is blank.


=IF([Exercised Period of Performance End Date]@row <= TODAY(90), 3, IF([Exercised Period of Performance End Date]@row <= TODAY(120), 4, IF([Exercised Period of Performance End Date]@row <= TODAY(180), 6, "Over 6 months")))

Thank you!!


Best Answer

  • Paul Newcome
    Paul Newcome Community Champion
    Answer ✓

    Give this a try. It will basically only run the formula when there is a date (which in turn leaves the cell blank if there is no date).

    =IF([Exercised Period of Performance End Date]@row <> "", IF([Exercised Period of Performance End Date]@row <= TODAY(90), 3, IF([Exercised Period of Performance End Date]@row <= TODAY(120), 4, IF([Exercised Period of Performance End Date]@row <= TODAY(180), 6, "Over 6 months"))))


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