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Price Book Entry Import


Dear colleagues,

I am seeking for advice on the following challenge. I am using Smartsheet to update and insert Salesforce Price Book Entries. Inserting a new entry requires Price Book ID and Product ID. If I map these fields, they are imported from SFDC and won't sync to a new entry record. Similarly, if I create new columns on my sheet and try to insert a record, SFDC does not see these fields and does not allow me to complete my action.

Any ideas in this regard will be highly appreciated.




  • Shaine Greenwood

    Hi Nikita,

    It appears that our Support team tried to reach out to you on the workflow issues you're experiencing but they didn't receive a response from you.

    One of our Support reps is going to email you again today, so look out for an email from our Support team so they can troubleshoot this issue with you.

  • Hi Shaine,

    Thank you for your response. I have not received any emails or calls yet. Please could you advise your support team to try again.

    I have not received your comment notification either. Could there be any issues with email?


  • Shaine Greenwood

    Hi Nikita,

    Copying this from your other community thread that I replied to:

    My records show that someone from the Support team did reach back out to the email address associated with your Smartsheet account (the one you use to log in to the community as well) again on May 25th, just after I made my previous post, trying to make contact with you.

    It's likely emails from us are getting blocked by your mail server in some way—check your spam and junk folders to make sure that the mail hasn't been filtered out from your inbox.

    Also check with your internal IT team to make sure mails aren't getting blocked on a higher level before they even get to your inbox.

    Otherwise, try submitting a ticket to our Support team to see if we can reply back that way.

    Due to the type of information we'd need to troubleshoot your issues, we cannot troubleshoot this problem in the community.

  • Thanks, Shaine, I have submitted a case. I have also checked my spam: no messages there.

This discussion has been closed.