Import from


My team is switching from to Smartsheet. We have 5+ workspaces and 50+ boards. What would be the best way to import everything? What would be the quickest way to import everything?

Best Answer

  • Julio S.
    Julio S. Moderator
    Answer ✓

    Hi @sguadarr,

    According to the Monday Help Center, exporting your whole account data will result in a zip file. Depending on the formatting of the files that you've obtained within that file, you may be able to import them into Smartsheet.

    Bear in mind, however, that any imported data into Smartsheet will create a sheet. Other type of objects might not be fully importable and you may need to restructure your data.

    Alternatively, you may also want to have a look in Zapier to see wether any of the built integrations with both platforms can help you streamline this process.

    I hope that this can be of help.




  • Julio S.
    Julio S. Moderator
    Answer ✓

    Hi @sguadarr,

    According to the Monday Help Center, exporting your whole account data will result in a zip file. Depending on the formatting of the files that you've obtained within that file, you may be able to import them into Smartsheet.

    Bear in mind, however, that any imported data into Smartsheet will create a sheet. Other type of objects might not be fully importable and you may need to restructure your data.

    Alternatively, you may also want to have a look in Zapier to see wether any of the built integrations with both platforms can help you streamline this process.

    I hope that this can be of help.



  • sguadarr

    Thanks, Julio!