Start-to-Finish (SF) Not Working Correctly as of 11/03/22

edited 11/08/22 in Smartsheet Basics

I have had this problem since Friday, and it has wrecked my scheduling. There is an extra day being added to all durations when using the SF dependency. I have 1000's of cells now showing incorrect dates since this bug started at the end of last week. Finish-Finish (FF) also exhibits this problem, but Start-Start (SS) and Finish-Start (FS) seem to work properly.

I made a new sheet with a very simple layout to see if it reproduces the problem, and it does.. see attached pic. I am now going on 4 days without a response from support. I find it odd no other complaints are surfacing...

Best Answer


  • Noelle
    edited 11/08/22

    YES! I'm having this issue as well! I hope they fix it soon. It's ruining all my timelines. I put in a formula to gather the timestamp and it's not using a full 8 hour work day in my timeline. You can see it's starting at 5:00 PM instead of 8:00 AM, which is why it's spanning 2 days instead of 1.

  • Hi @CrucialVelocity & @Noelle

    I'm able to replicate what you're both describing: using either SF or FF with Predecessors pushes the Start Date of that task to be one day earlier than it should be, even though the Duration and Gantt bars are correctly displayed:

    I've raised this with our Support team and they are currently investigating the behaviour. It's very helpful to know that this started last Friday, thank you!

    In the meantime, I checked and it looks like both of you have Support tickets open as well. Please keep following-up on those threads, providing the team with any additional information requested.

    Thanks again,


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  • Following this thread for updates - PMs on my team are having the same problem.

  • Amy Tatum
    Amy Tatum ✭✭
    edited 11/11/22

    Following this thread, dealing with the same problem.

  • Lorena
    Lorena ✭✭

    Following this thread, dealing with the same problem. (11/11/22)

  • Craig Moss
    Craig Moss ✭✭✭

    I have also been experiencing this issue since 11/4. Our active projects are all inaccurate and our PMs and Clients are not pleased. At this point, we are on day 9 of being "down". I contacted Support and after 6 days I finally heard from an escalation engineer on Monday 11/14. He informed me there is a known issue with Dependencies (seems to me to be tasks with Predecessors of type FF/SF) and the Engineering Team is testing a fix right now. I have heard nothing further since Monday.

    Smartsheet, are there any updates? This issue is crippling us.

  • Lorena
    Lorena ✭✭

    Good morning,

    I had the same problem last Friday, and I sent a ticket to Smartsheet with the case; they answered me the next day, but the explanation did not solve my problem; I also disagreed with their description because I did not have another sheet open, they have a problem on their platform. The solution I had was to create a new sheet; I spent Saturday doing this; I exported my sheet to Excel; I had to delete all the predecessors from the Excel file because when importing the information, the problem continued, so I only imported the task list, duration, start day and end day, then copy and paste the predecessors into my new sheet from the original sheet.

    I hope this information helps you.

  • Two weeks now and this major issue has still not been corrected!

  • Genevieve P.
    Genevieve P. Employee
    Answer ✓

    Hi all

    (@CrucialVelocity, @Noelle, @st3fbrad_ , @Amy Tatum, @Lorena, @Craig Moss)

    The Support team let me know this morning that a fix has now been applied! You should now see the correct Start Dates for any rows with a FF or SF predecessor relationship.

    For example, here is my sheet from the screen capture above, with the same cells highlighted.

    Should you encounter any other unexpected behaviour in the future, please do report it to Support using the Support Portal.

    Thank you!


    Join us at Smartsheet ENGAGE 2024 🎉
    October 8 - 10, Seattle, WA | Register now

  • Thank you for the update!

  • AaronO
    AaronO ✭✭✭

    I note that although this may be fixed for single tasks, grouped tasks are still buggy, as seen here:

    Group "d" should complete before group "a" starts, and group "e" should finish when "a" finishes but it doesn't. In both cases, it seems like the group is placed according only to the length of the first task in the group.

    I've opened a support case!