EMAIL REMINDER 14 days before due dates

Fialko66 ✭✭✭✭
edited 11/10/22 in Formulas and Functions

I have a basic sheet which list multiple policy dates for several providers. Each provider has a list of a round 12 different document renewal dates so i need to automate a reminder email to the person monitoring the provider 14 days before the renewal date is due but cannot figure out if it's possible to do this for multiple rows / columns in one function?

I've looked online and found several options, but none seem to work, and it would be onerous to set up a reminder for every date / cell individually

Is this possible and if so, could anyone point me in the right direction please?


  • Wilen FL
    Wilen FL ✭✭✭✭


    If you can put all the renewal dates [ie. Final Date] in one column and the reminder notification could be sent on the weekend.

    Otherwise, you may want to create a formula-based column [date1] that calculates 14 Days after the renewal date. This date would be the trigger to send the reminder.

    Unfortunately, my attempts to get this formula to work have not been fruitful. This formula is available in the Advanced Formula Examples sheet.

    From the Solution Center type formula to access the Formula Handbook.

    I hope that it helps. Good luck.

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