Formula for multiple columns - Incorrect Argument Set Error

Alina Pace
edited 11/16/22 in Formulas and Functions

I have spent more time than I'd like on this formula. I keep getting a #Incorrect argument set error. I would like to provide different direction based on when specific columns have a yes answer. It was working fine until I added the final column Used to Provide Information - Handout. Now I can't get the formula to work using the following:

=IF(AND(ISBLANK([Is Form]@row), ISBLANK([Is Publication]@row), ISBLANK([On Letterhead]@row), ISBLANK([Has Logo with Name]@row), ISBLANK([Used to Provide Information - Handout]@row)), " ", IF(OR([Is Form]@row = "Yes", [Is Publication]@row = "Yes", [On Letterhead]@row = "Yes", [Has Logo with Name]@row = "Yes"), "Name must be updated.", IF([Used to Provide Information - Handout]@row = "Yes"), "Please use an approved header with only the seal. More information to come.", IF(OR([Is Form]@row = "No", [Is Publication]@row = "No", [On Letterhead]@row = "No", [Has Logo with Name]@row = "No", [Used to Provide Information - Handout]@row = "No"), "If the name is present, it can be removed.")))

Basically it should work like this:

If any of the fields are blank don't show anything.

If any of the fields say yes except the handout field say "Name must be updated."

If the handout field says yes say "Please use an approved header with only the seal. More information to come."

If all fields say no say "If the name is present, it can be removed."

How can I accomplish this?


Best Answer

  • Leibel S
    Leibel S Community Champion
    Answer ✓

    @Alina Pace

    Seems like you had a slight issue with your parentheses:

    After 'IF([Used to Provide Information - Handout]@row = "Yes"' you have a parentheses that should not be there and then you need another one at the end of the formula:

    =IF(AND(ISBLANK([Is Form]@row), ISBLANK([Is Publication]@row), ISBLANK([On Letterhead]@row), ISBLANK([Has Logo with Name]@row), ISBLANK([Used to Provide Information - Handout]@row)), " ", IF(OR([Is Form]@row = "Yes", [Is Publication]@row = "Yes", [On Letterhead]@row = "Yes", [Has Logo with Name]@row = "Yes"), "Name must be updated.", IF([Used to Provide Information - Handout]@row = "Yes", "Please use an approved header with only the seal. More information to come.", IF(OR([Is Form]@row = "No", [Is Publication]@row = "No", [On Letterhead]@row = "No", [Has Logo with Name]@row = "No", [Used to Provide Information - Handout]@row = "No"), "If the name is present, it can be removed."))))


  • Leibel S
    Leibel S Community Champion
    Answer ✓

    @Alina Pace

    Seems like you had a slight issue with your parentheses:

    After 'IF([Used to Provide Information - Handout]@row = "Yes"' you have a parentheses that should not be there and then you need another one at the end of the formula:

    =IF(AND(ISBLANK([Is Form]@row), ISBLANK([Is Publication]@row), ISBLANK([On Letterhead]@row), ISBLANK([Has Logo with Name]@row), ISBLANK([Used to Provide Information - Handout]@row)), " ", IF(OR([Is Form]@row = "Yes", [Is Publication]@row = "Yes", [On Letterhead]@row = "Yes", [Has Logo with Name]@row = "Yes"), "Name must be updated.", IF([Used to Provide Information - Handout]@row = "Yes", "Please use an approved header with only the seal. More information to come.", IF(OR([Is Form]@row = "No", [Is Publication]@row = "No", [On Letterhead]@row = "No", [Has Logo with Name]@row = "No", [Used to Provide Information - Handout]@row = "No"), "If the name is present, it can be removed."))))

  • Thank you so much! One little parenthesis caused the break. Geez! I did try moving the parenthesis around, but I guess I didn't do the right combo and I went a little cross eyed looking at the formula after a while...LOL! You are awesome!!!

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