Working Backwards with Predecessors

Krista Coffman
Krista Coffman ✭✭✭✭
edited 12/06/22 in Formulas and Functions


 usually work backwards from a due date to determine when I need to start work, so I use the column number and then SF. Typically when I do this the finish date of the task above is the day prior, but now it’s showing me the same day.  Also, when I have the duration as 1 day, it is actually showing 2 days.  Here's an example: Line 213 is based on 214. 214 starts on Feb 9, so 213 should finish on Feb 8, but it isn''s finishing on Feb 9. Additionally, I have 213's duration for 1 day, so it should be starting and ending on Feb 8, but it isn''s starting on Feb 8 and Finishing on Feb 9. Can you please advise? Thank you!


  • Julio S.
    Julio S. Moderator

    Hi @Krista Coffman,

    I've been doing some testing in my environment and I can confirm that the behaviour doesn't align with what you are experiencing right now but the original behaviour where 1d durations have the same day as start and end dates and Finish Date would be the previous day to Start in Start to Finish predecessors.

    To isolate this behaviour, I'd suggest to create a copy of the sheet and check whether the behaviour also reproduces there. If it does, I would recommend opening a ticket with our Support team via this form or accessing the new Customer Support Portal. Please make sure to include as much information as possible from the following when doing so:

    • Affected sheet ID (you can obtain this from File>Properties>Sheet ID)
    • Have you observed this behaviour in any other Project sheet (or the copy created for troubleshooting purposes)?
    • Approximate date and time this was first observed



  • Any solution on this? I'm having the same problem with some of the SF predecessors in my sheet. I've made sure I haven't over-constrained any of the tasks, tried deleting all the predecessors and starting over working backwards, etc., but especially with some subtasks I can't get it to ACTUALLY schedule backwards; it just gives them overlapping dates and the dependency arrow on the chart loops around between them instead of driving anything.

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