Formula Issue

Beth Klineman
Beth Klineman ✭✭
edited 12/20/22 in Formulas and Functions

We are having trouble with the rows below the first indent. Here is the formula =INDEX({SCO-LO Int. Type-Gadget Group Lookup Range 1}, MATCH([LO Template]@row, {SCO-LO Int. Type-Gadget Group Lookup Range 2}))

This is correct but once we get to the lower rows the gadget group it is pulling in is incorrect

Here is a copy of the reference sheet

Thanks for any help -- I think I has something to do with the indent but I editted it and that did not help


  • L_123
    L_123 Community Champion
    edited 12/20/22

    =INDEX({SCO-LO Int. Type-Gadget Group Lookup Range 1}, MATCH([LO Template]@row, {SCO-LO Int. Type-Gadget Group Lookup Range 2},0

    Always put a ,0 if you are looking for an exact match in unsorted data

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