Lock Row 1 with Form Submission

Is there a way to lock Row 1 so that it skips the first row when a new form submission comes in? I want to use my first row to provide instructions on what is required for each column. Then as the forms submit, they still go to the top but skip Row 1.


  • Jeff Reisman
    Jeff Reisman Community Champion


    The way to do this would be to use a report. Reports are live data, so changes made in a report by a user with Editor access are reflected back in the source sheet.

    First, add a hidden column and set some value in it for Row 1 only. Then make sure you include the system column "Created" which is the date/time the row was created, or an Auto-number column as a RowID column. Then create your report, bringing in the columns you want from the source sheet. Set a sort order in the report, using your new hidden column as the first level criteria* (to place your Row 1 at the top of the report,) and then Created date (newest to oldest) or RowID (highest to lowest) as the second level criteria.

    (* So if your value in the hidden column for Row 1 is "1" and the rest of the rows are blank in this column, sort descending highest to lowest, if it's a text value like "A" sort ascending.)


    Jeff Reisman

    Link: Smartsheet Functions Help Pages Link: Smartsheet Formula Error Messages

    If my answer helped solve your issue, please mark it as accepted so that other users can find it later. Thanks!

  • Super smart way to make it work!!! Thanks, I will give it a try!

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