Can we use JOIN with an IF Statement


The scenario is

I run a meeting with tasks for an agenda item and we have a list of them.

Each task has a reference to the Agenda Item.


Agenda Item 1 - Action 1 - update plan

Agenda Item 1 - Action 2 - distribute plan

Agenda Item 2 - Action 1 - create resourcing requirements

Agenda Item 2 - Action 2 - provide marketing materials

What I would like to achieve in the summary field is

If Action Items are related to Agenda Item 1, then join them together

So the result would be

Update Plan, Distribute Plan

I tried the If (logical expression, true value (Join(Column:Column,","), but that isn't working.

I can then pull this data into a single cell in another sheet along and put all the items in a cell to generate a document.

Any ideas? :-)



Purnima Gore

Cierr Limited

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