CountIF formula with added criteria - NEED TO KNOW HOW TO ADD


I am trying to obtain counts with multiple criteria, I have tried looking at other solutions that do not work.

This is my formula - =COUNTIFS({iPro Site Type}, $[Primary Column]@row, {iPro Region}, [Column2]$42)

I need to understand how to add an additional criteria - I want it to return the count of all sites types per region that are also classified as "HCA"



  • Hollie Green
    Hollie Green ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    The formula you have posted is set to count the ipro site type only if the primary column row matches the ipro region. Then you have it looking at Column2 cell 42 but you aren't telling it what to look for. You need to add a comma and tell it what to look for in column 2.

    =Countifs({iPro Site Type}, $[Primary Column]@row,{iPro Region}, [Column2]$42,"insert your 2nd criteria here")

    You add any additional criteria by adding another , at the end the range you want to look for another , and the criteria you want to look for as many times as you need to.

    It will look at all criteria and if any are not met it will not count them. If you are wanting to add the count of something that meets one set of criteria then the count of something that meets another set of criteria then you need to add together countifs to get your answer.

    Example: =Countifs({iPro Site Type}, $[Primary Column]@row,{iPro Region}, [Column2]$42,"insert your 2nd criteria here")+Countifs({iPro Site Type},$[Primary Column]@row,[iPro Region}, [Column2$43,"Criteria to look for that matches cell 43")

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