IF with due date of payment

JΓΆrg Schmidt1
Jârg Schmidt1 ✭✭✭✭

Hi dear Community,

would you please help me to find the last step πŸ˜‰

I need to find the final formula to show in which quarter is a payment due.

My problem is the quarterly, half year or yearly payment 😏


  • Mike Wilday
    Mike Wilday Community Champion

    I would use an AND statement in that If Statement. It would be formatted like below... You're basically checking to make sure both variables are true.

    IF(AND(Zahlwelse@row >= 1, Zahlwelse@row <=3), Zahlbetrag@row

  • JΓΆrg Schmidt1
    Jârg Schmidt1 ✭✭✭✭

    thank you @Mike Wilday ,

    but how considers your formula in which quarter is the payment due - based on column "FΓ€lligkeit" (due date) ?

  • Mike Wilday
    Mike Wilday Community Champion

    I'm sorry, I misunderstood the question. Try using the "FΓ€lligkeit" column in addition to the Month formula...

    IF(AND(Month(FΓ€lligkeit@row)>=1, Month(FΓ€lligkeit@row)<=3), Quarter 1, ...

    This will compare the months to determine whether it's in Quarter 1 or not and can be replicated for Months 4-6 for quarter 2, 7-9 for quarter 3, and 10-12 for quarter 4. Hopefully, that will put you in the right position to develop your formula.

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