Update Symbol based on another sheet's Symbol

Simple question that I'm frustratingly close to figuring out.

On Sheet A, I have a column for a list of {Operators} with a {Discipline} column next to it, indicating whether or not said Operator is cleared on said Discipline. We're using the "Yes," "Hold," and "No" symbols.

On Sheet B, I have, essentially, the exact same thing. The only difference is that for Sheet B's Operator column we'll be using a dropdown list. So, the goal is that when someone updates the dropdown column with a specific Operator, it'll spit out that Operator's cleared Discipline.

This can either "copy" the cell from Sheet A, because it'll be the exact symbol, or update the cell in Sheet B. I know it's simple, I'm just not formula-savvy.

Best Answer

  • Kelly Moore
    Kelly Moore Community Champion
    Answer ✓

    Hey @celtics345

    If I understand correctly, someone will manually add the Operator's name to Sheet B (through a dropdown list). Once the name is added to Sheet B , one can use an INDEX/MATCH in the Sheet B Discipline column.

    =IF(Operator@row<>"", INDEX({Sheet A Discipline column}, MATCH(Operator@row, {Sheet A Operator Column},0)))

    Because this is a cross sheet formula, you must physically build your own cross sheet references through the formula window. You cannot simply copy paste this formula

    Does this work for you?



  • Kelly Moore
    Kelly Moore Community Champion
    Answer ✓

    Hey @celtics345

    If I understand correctly, someone will manually add the Operator's name to Sheet B (through a dropdown list). Once the name is added to Sheet B , one can use an INDEX/MATCH in the Sheet B Discipline column.

    =IF(Operator@row<>"", INDEX({Sheet A Discipline column}, MATCH(Operator@row, {Sheet A Operator Column},0)))

    Because this is a cross sheet formula, you must physically build your own cross sheet references through the formula window. You cannot simply copy paste this formula

    Does this work for you?


  • celtics345
    celtics345 ✭✭✭

    This is incredible Kelly, thank you very much! I guess I wasn't so close after all. Looks a bit above my level of understanding. I figured INDEX and MATCH would be involved. Worked on the first time, thank you as always!

  • Kelly Moore
    Kelly Moore Community Champion

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