01/01/2023 12:00 + 2,5 = how many days?

joao vitor
joao vitor ✭✭
edited 01/09/23 in Smartsheet Basics

How do you add dates. Example 01/01/2023 12:00 + 2.5 = how many days?

*Moderator translated from*: como que faz para somar Datas. exemplo 01/01/2023 12:00 + 2,5 = a quantos dias?


  • Toufong Vang
    Toufong Vang ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited 01/12/23

    @joao vitor

    What do you expect the answer to be for something like 01/01/2023 11:00 + 2.5 days?

    01/04/2023 or

    01/03/2023 23:00 ?

    If the answer includes the time, then it becomes challenging. The problem is that Smartsheet does not track hours. Your approach will need to include a method to convert days to hours. For example, 1 day = 24 hours so 01/01/2023 11:00 + 2.5 becomes 01/01/2023 + 2 plus 1100 + 1200 .