Number in between 2 values

I have a range of numbers that correspond with a tier level. I have figured out Tier I and III, but I'm not sure how to account for Tier II being between 2 values: >21000, <40000.

=IF([AVG. STORE UNITS]@row <= 21000, "TIER III", IF([AVG. STORE UNITS]@row >= 40000, "TIER I"))

I appreciate any and all help!

Best Answer

  • Paul Newcome
    Paul Newcome Community Champion
    Answer ✓

    The way nested IF statements work is that they go from left to right and stop on the first true value. Therefore, if it passes an IF statement then that IF statement must be false.

    If it makes it past your first IF then the number must be greater than 21000. If it makes it past the second IF then we already know the first is false (number is greater than 21000) and the second is false (number is less than 40000). This means you only need to add that middle range's output in the final portion.

    =IF([AVG. STORE UNITS]@row <= 21000, "TIER III", IF([AVG. STORE UNITS]@row >= 40000, "TIER I", "TIER II"))


  • Paul Newcome
    Paul Newcome Community Champion
    Answer ✓

    The way nested IF statements work is that they go from left to right and stop on the first true value. Therefore, if it passes an IF statement then that IF statement must be false.

    If it makes it past your first IF then the number must be greater than 21000. If it makes it past the second IF then we already know the first is false (number is greater than 21000) and the second is false (number is less than 40000). This means you only need to add that middle range's output in the final portion.

    =IF([AVG. STORE UNITS]@row <= 21000, "TIER III", IF([AVG. STORE UNITS]@row >= 40000, "TIER I", "TIER II"))

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