Capture URL via Join data from one sheet to another


I Have two sheets, one is a list of tickets and the second is a Rollup sheet summarized by project. In the ticket sheet each ticket has a project name that I use to relate back to the Rollup sheet. I have created a function that reads all tickets by project name and then joins the ticket numbers to be stored on a project in the rollup sheet. The ticket numbers are actually links.

How can I bring in as links instead of text? Attached a screenshots, below is the Join function I'm using.

=JOIN(COLLECT({Jira Rollup - Action Tickets Range 5}, {Jira Rollup - Action Tickets Range 1}, =[Project Name]@row, {Jira Rollup - Action Tickets Range 2}, <>"Closed", {Jira Rollup - Action Tickets Range 2}, <>"Solution Provided", {Jira Rollup - Action Tickets Range 2}, <>"ER Rejected", {Jira Rollup - Action Tickets Range 2}, <>"Feature Released", {Jira Rollup - Action Tickets Range 2}, <>"Duplicate", {Jira Rollup - Action Tickets Range 3}, CONTAINS("implementation-risk", @cell), {Jira Rollup - Action Tickets Range 4}, <TODAY(-3)), ", ")

Ideally I'd like to bring in the Display text as a link but would be happy if I could at least bring in the URL link.


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