lookup formuale with condition

Gaurav Chauhan
Gaurav Chauhan ✭✭✭✭✭✭
edited 01/19/23 in Formulas and Functions


I need help with the lookup formulae. Basically, I am trying to populate the Metric1 and 2 from Shee1 onto Sheet2 considering that Metric values sit in the row of A1 and B1 & ...

Can you please help.


  • Kelly Moore
    Kelly Moore Community Champion

    Hey @Gaurav Chauhan

    When doing a lookup with multiple criteria, the combination of INDEX/COLLECT are the functions to use. A COLLECT has the syntax (COLLECT(information you want to collect, range 1, criteria 1, range 2, criteria 2, etc). The number 1 at the end of the formulas are the row index required in the INDEX function.

    Metric #1

    =INDEX(COLLECT({Sheet 1 Metric 1 column}, {Sheet 1 Project column}, Project@row, {Sheet 1 Period column}, Period@row),1)

    Metric #2

    =INDEX(COLLECT({Sheet 1 Metric 2 column}, {Sheet 1 Project column}, Project@row, {Sheet 1 Period column}, Period@row),1)

    Because the ranges are cross sheet references you will need to manually insert them through the Formula window - you cannot simply copy paste the formula into your sheet. Your ranges will have different names (you can rename them at will). I wanted you to be clear on what the ranges referred to.

    Let me know if you have any questions


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