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What I learned by enrolling in Smartsheet's e-Academy

Bill Mulcahy
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2016 Posts

What I learned by enrolling in Smartsheet's e-Academy:


1)  Course objectives and lesson goals were clearly defined before each lesson.

2) The effort required to learn material was just just right.  Worksheet hand-outs and video walk-thru's made the process simple. 

3)  The video presenter, Tim Leavitt, was extremely easy to understand and has exceptional presentation skills. 

4)  The real-life examples, sample sheets, and video quality are top-notch and make learning the features of Smartsheet easier than learning on your own.

5)  The quizzes and certification exam really did test your knowledge of Smartsheet.  The ability to review your answers afterwords really help you improve.


Laughing - Highly recommended!



  • J. Craig Williams
    J. Craig Williams ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Thanks for sharing Bill!



  • Kennedy Stomps

    This is great feedback Bill! I've just sent a link to this post to our Training team--I'm sure they'll be thrilled to hear that you had such a good experience. 


    I use Smartsheet every day and even I took away some new knowledge and tips from completing E-Academy, so it really is for everyone!

  • Justin Liu

    Yes, agree with Bill. I just completed the e-Academy course. It's really helpful and provides an efficient learning to practice and understand the features of Smartsheet.

    I use Smartsheet to handle complicated daily works in project managements and collaborations.


    Highly recommended to enroll in the Smartsheet e-Academy & Certificate learning!


  • Janny2531

    The training videos on E-Academy were well done and I passed each quiz at the end. After the videos I gained a solid working knowledge of the tool. But the content did not adequately prepare you for the Smartsheet certification. There were many questions in the exam that were not covered in the videos or in the PDFs. Most of my team of 30 who were enrolled in E-Academy are on their 2nd and 3rd attempts of the exam since so many questions were not fully covered in the material.  

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