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Linking for resource tracking

edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2015 Posts

Hi, I'm using rows linking when one task is needed for different projects. The Allocation % field is linked as well in such situation. The problem is that Smartsheet treats linked allocations as two different tasks and adds allocations, instead of reading Allocation % only from the master sheet.


Do you have a solution how to link allocations in this case?

Torn off Resource Allocation feature in one sheet is not an option.



Project 1: Task 1 - Assigedn for John - from 18.05 - till 19.05 - Allocated 30%

the same task is a step for another projects, so I link the row.

Project 2: Task 1 - Assigedn for John - from 18.05 - till 19.05 - Allocated 30%

And I expect smartsheet to show is Resource viewer only 30% for John, not 60%.




  • Sam S

    Valeria - we were having this exact same issue because we have to link the same task across multiple sheets. We solved this by NOT linking the Allocation % cell and in every destination sheet, we changed the allocation to 0%.

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