Count Checked boxes from another sheet

TKeller ✭✭✭
edited 12/09/19 in Formulas and Functions

Hi - I've seen this question a few times, but I am still not able to get this to work. 

I have a Metrics page that I am rolling totals up to so I can display a donut chart of projects per GEO. 

This has worked, up until now, because I have a single column as a drop-down to show these metrics. =COUNTIF({Geos}, Metric9)...I then show the metric using the chart widget in a dashboard. 

Now the team wants these areas to be checkboxes, so they can choose more than one GEO - so I've expanded to 6 columns (NA, APAC, EMEA, LTAM, Japan, All Geos). 

I have tried several different formulas, from COUNTIFS to VLOOKUP, but have had no luck. 

Any suggestions??





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