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Google Forms Error


Any idea how to fix this?







Thank you

smartsheet google forms error.png



  • Greg Gates
    Greg Gates ✭✭✭✭✭

    Does your sheet have a text-based question in it? The error seems to be occuring because Smartsheets require a text-based column for the primary column in a sheet, so if you don't have a question with text-based answer a sheet can't be created.

  • Carlo Dimaandal
    edited 07/18/16
  • Kennedy Stomps

    Hi Carlo-- Can you share your form (or a copy of your form) with me so I can troubleshoot this further? My email address is Kennedy.Stomps@Smartsheet.com. Thanks!

  • I have shared the form with you.

  • Kennedy Stomps

    Hi Carlo-- Thanks for sharing your form with you. After reviewing the form, it looks like the issue is that you need at least one Text input field in the form. Smartsheet needs at least one text value to populate the Primary Column in the sheet. In your form, it looks like all of the existing fields are Multiple Choice questions, which can be populated in a sheet, but only when associated with a Text value.


    Is there a Text value you can collect from your form? This would make it possible to use the Smartsheet Sync integration. Otherwise, you might consider creating your form directly within Smartsheet. If you set up these questions with the answer values as Dropdown list columns, you can change the Field Options in the Web Form editor to use "Radio buttons" to mimic the look of the existing Google Form.


    Hope this helps!

  • Carlo Dimaandal
    edited 09/04/16

    I got it working. Thanks :D

This discussion has been closed.