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Proposal for alternative views in resource view


We are keen users of smartsheet to track project plans for all our projects. Having a very dynamic operation, we have a general list to allocate non-project specific tasks on a weekly basis. This means that some tasks/activities are planned on a monthly basis ( e.g. assining one person 40% to a project). Since we plan individual and indepent tasks in smartsheet, there is sometimes a need to allocate one person 100% one specific day.  This means that the resource overview will show that individual as overallocated that particular day. However, one a week perspective he/she might still be ok. It would be great if one could chose to view the resource view either as per day, per week or even per month and easily switch between the views. 

Also, rather than just adding percent, it would be good to have the option of displaying hours. 




  • Kara Lumley


    Thanks for the feedback on different views, I have shared it with the Product Manager.


    For Resource Management in Hours: Assuming Allocation % is the name of your allocation column and row 2 (in this example). This formula assumes that a whole day is 100% of your time and is 8 hours long. If you have longer or shorter work days, you can change change the "8" to however many hours a 'full' workday is for you."Add a column called Hours in your sheet and use this formula: 


    =[Allocation %]2 / 1 * 8 + " Hours""


    Hope this helps,


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