SUMIFS with OR and Date range

Annie Dunn
Annie Dunn ✭✭
edited 12/09/19 in Formulas and Functions

I am referencing another sheet for this, and this formula currently works...

=SUMIFS({SALES Range 1}, {SALES Range 5}, "DK", {SALES Range 2}, "Don Joy", {SALES Range 3}, "paid", {SALES Range 4}, >=DATE(2019, 1, 1))

That being said, I need to embed a logical expression as to include multiple criteria for {SALES Range 2}, and to change the >= date into a range with an end date. I try to follow other formulas online but they aren't working for me. Here's what I've tried most recently; I'm VERY new to spreadsheets to this could be really far off:

=SUMIFS({SALES Range 1}, {SALES Range 5}, "DK", {SALES Range 2}, "Don Joy", (OR({SALES Range 3} = "paid", {SALES Range 3} = "billing paperwork submitted - pending payment")) (AND({SALES Range 4}, >=DATE(2019, 1, 1), {SALES Range 4} ,<=DATE(2019,3,31))))


{SALES Range 1} = Charges

{SALES Range 5} = Rep 

{SALES Range 2} = Billed By

{SALES Range 3} = Status

{SALES Range 4} = Date of Service

 Please help!!!



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