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Blank cell only recognized as text

Brett Evans
Brett Evans ✭✭✭✭✭✭
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2016 Posts

My spreadsheet has started recognizing blank cells as text and not zeroes.


Every row in the RequirementNumber column is filled in with this formula 

=IF(ISBLANK([Requirement]2), "", [RequirementNumber]1 + 1)


The formula used to pick up "" cells in the row above it as a numeric zeros, now it is picking it up as blank text and making all of the increments in text not numeric values.


my numbers now look like this:







Instead of:







I can manually fix this by deleting the formula in the blank cell and replacing it with a numeric zero.  The formulas adjust below and the numbering corrects itself.  If I delete the zero so the cell is blank again the numbering stays accurate.


Any ideas?













  • J. Craig Williams
    J. Craig Williams ✭✭✭✭✭✭



    Did this just start happening, say since the last push?

    The next release comes out on Saturday, I believe, but somethings things leak out before then.


    If you hadn't said it worked before, I would have said it wouldn't.


    I have seen some odd behavior with null and blanks -- can't say they have only been recently though. It is almost as if a blank cell that had data before (but not now) operates differently than a blank cell that has never had data.

    I think there are some programming methods where that might be case.


    Wouldn't it be nice to search, find & replace in formulas?



  • Brett Evans
    Brett Evans ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    I just noticed it this week.  It had worked beautifully for month to auto-number my rows.


    I could fix it by changing my formula to 

    =IF(ISBLANK([Requirement]2), 0, [RequirementNumber]1 + 1)

    but it would mess with my steez.

  • J. Craig Williams
    J. Craig Williams ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Well, I learned what "steez" is.


    We have to wait for Shaine to pipe in. Maybe they will admit to something changing.


  • Andrew DeCounter
    edited 11/11/16



    With formulas "" is interpreted as text so we are seeing ""+1+1+1 return 111 instead of 3.


    I don't have a clean solution for getting a Null return on the ISBLANK() evaluation when it returns "True". You could do =IF(ISBLANK(Requirement2),Requirement1,(RequirementNumber1)+1) -- but I don't think asking a cell to always be blank is a great solution.


    There are a couple of work arounds you could try here to achieve the same goal. For example: ISTEXT() & LEN().


    I have created some examples with those formulas that could work in this case...


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