Using MAX Formula- How to formulate it to capture infinite rows

edited 12/09/19 in Formulas and Functions

Hey Guys!

I have a Smartsheet that is connect to Jira. I have added two columns; Created On (with creation date column) and Last Create Date (date column).

I am trying to populate a formula that pulls one text box of when the sheet was last updated. When I attempt to enter =MAX([Created On]2:[Created On]???) it wont work. This formula only works up until the last row that has data. (Like I enter 85 where the ??? is the formula works as there is date) This may be because of the Jira automatically updating it with the connector, but is there a way I can put a "Infinite" like term at the end where I placed ??? marks to populate the date the sheet was updated if new data were to come in?

This can allow us to review if it is updating daily as it should from a generated report I plan to create using that formula box.

Any suggestions?

Im also unfamiliar with Jira (I just know that this sheet is connected to it)




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