SUMIFS with Cross Sheet Date Ranges?

edited 12/09/19 in Formulas and Functions

I'm trying to calculate {Expected Premium} sales by {Producer Code} on an enterprise-wide sales tracker that compares monthly sales metrics per [Producer Code]@row against total renewal opportunity.

I've scoured the community for answers but I haven't found anything that answers my question as it regards to cross sheet date ranges.

Here's the working formula I've stitched together so far with everyone's help on the community, but how can I further refine the result with a date range that encompasses only the current month based on the {Expiration Date} column from a separate sheet?

=SUMIF({Producer Code}, [Producer Code]@row, {Expiring Premium})  = works!

=SUMIF({Producer Code}, [Producer Code]@row, [{Expiring Premium} = (CURRENT MONTH)]  = WANT!


HELP! Thanks!



  • Paul Newcome
    Paul Newcome ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    To include multiple criteria, you will need to use a SUMIFS instead of a SUMIF. I am assuming by your formulas above that {Expiring Premium} is the range you are wanting to sum. Please Note: The syntax for SUMIF is actually quite opposite SUMIFS. SUMIF puts the range to be summed last whereas SUMIFS put the range to be summed first. So try something like this...

    =SUMIFS({Expiring Premium}, {Producer Code}, [Producer Code]@row, @{Date Range}, IFERROR(MONTH(@cell), 0) = MONTH(TODAY()))

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