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Bar charts in tables using REPT function

edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2017 Posts

I know SS is working on embedded charts for Sights but an easy workaround would be to have bar charts in a single cell using the Repeat function as in Excel.  This is really a Text based formula cheat whereby a "|" is repeated by the value in question (i.e. =REPT("|",Ref)   ). So, if you had a table and you wanted to rank the values of say, sales teams in a protfolio, you would sort ascending/descending by value and the bar chart column would work very well as a graphical representation in a table.  Consult this URL to see what I mean:  http://myexcelonline.com/blog/in-cell-bar-charts-with-the-excel-rept-function/


Can we have this basic formula in SS?  Not having embedded charts is an obvious and big gap in SS but this bar chart cheat will work well and is really easy.



  • Shaine Greenwood



    We currently don't have a REPT function or charts integration with Sights, but I'll add your vote for these features to our enhancement request list for further consideration.


    We appreciate your input!

This discussion has been closed.