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Allocation percentage


Is there a way to assign resource allocation percentages on a weekly basis? As an architecture firm, our projects/tasks have long durations (months), but the employee may not have the same allocation percentage throughout the length of the project. Or has anybody come up with an alternative method of accomplishing a similar goal?


  • Shaine Greenwood

    Hello Ellie,


    There isn't a way to change resource allocation throughout a single task but I've got your vote down for this on our enhancement request list for further consideration by our Product team.


    As a workaround, you might consider breaking your task up into smaller tasks with dependencies, such as putting them into phases. Then you can allocate the same resource to all tasks at a different percentage.


    You can also organize them under hierarchy to keep them together. More information on hierarchy can be found in the Help Center: https://help.smartsheet.com/articles/504734-hierarchy-indenting-outdenting-rows

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