CountIF with Criteria including date range



I'm currently trying to create a countifs formula to count the number of "issue type"(column) "story" where it meets certain criteria including falling within the next 30 days.

My base formula works here:

=COUNTIFS([Issue Type]:[Issue Type], "Story", Labels:Labels, "Groomed", Status:Status, "To Do")

However, when I try to add criteria for these "stories" that have a start date within 30 days I get the INVALID OPERATION error. My current formula for it (that is not working) is here:

=COUNTIFS([Issue Type]:[Issue Type], "Story", Labels:Labels, "Groomed", Status:Status, "To Do", [Target Start Date]:[Target Start Date] < TODAY(+30))

Any Idea what I'm doing wrong here? Help appreciated!


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