Adding a Second OR to Formula


Smartsheet Community:

I have to add a second OR Statements to to the Formula but can not put my finger on what I am doing wrong.

Current Formula:

=COUNTIFS({UAT Issue Tracking Sheet Range 4}, "UAT - Phase 1", {UAT Issue Tracking Sheet Range 3}, "Highest", {UAT Issue Tracking Sheet Range 5}, OR(@cell = "New", @cell = "In Progress", {UAT Issue Tracking Sheet Range 2}, OR(@cell = "Failed", @cell = "Retest Needed")))



  • Anthony Barthelemy
    Anthony Barthelemy ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    I think I figured it out, Missing Parenthesis

    New Formula:

    =COUNTIFS({UAT Issue Tracking Sheet Range 4}, "UAT - Phase 1", {UAT Issue Tracking Sheet Range 3}, "Highest", {UAT Issue Tracking Sheet Range 5}, OR(@cell = "New", @cell = "In Progress"), {UAT Issue Tracking Sheet Range 2}, OR(@cell = "Failed", @cell = "Retest Needed"))

  • Genevieve P.
    Genevieve P. Employee Admin

    Hi Ray,

    Looks like you got it! The OR function needs to have a closing parenthesis after the criteria so it knows when to go back into the COUNTIFS function instead of the OR.

    Thanks for sharing your final formula!

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