What is wrong with my formula?


I'm trying to do multiple IF formulas to show a Green, Yellow, or Red traffic light based on a % complete column. I can get "Red" (<70%) to show by itself, "Green" (100%) to show by itself, but I can't get the yellow range or all three together. What is wrong below?

=IF([% Complete]3 = 1, "Green"), =IF([% Complete]3 <1 AND >=.7, "Yellow"), =IF([% Complete]3 < .7, "Red")

Thank you

Best Answers

  • Dennis Slagle
    Dennis Slagle ✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Thank you for the response. I did figure it out but your formula is less complicated and better structured. I tried to correct the order but failed with many different formulas.

    All the best,



  • Dennis Slagle
    Dennis Slagle ✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Thank you for the response. I did figure it out but your formula is less complicated and better structured. I tried to correct the order but failed with many different formulas.

    All the best,


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