Smartsheet Basics

Smartsheet Basics

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Can you add a hyperlink reference document in a form?

edited 03/13/21 in Smartsheet Basics

We are launching our first form and my supervisory would like me to hyperlink our guidance document to the form and I am really struggling to find out how since in Google Forms and Microsoft Forms you can add a hyper link reference.

I worry if we don't have this capability this project won't get approved to use the form feature. Any help would be appreciated!



  • Hi Suzy,

    I had the same Issue, I can add the URL as a field, but it is not clickable. so the user have to copy and past it to the browser.

    However if the URL is static (Same for all), you can add the url to the Form Title, or any Field Help Text and it works.

  • Thank you, Abraham, this is very helpful. It is a static URL so I was able to use it in the Field Help Text however the URL is super long so I had to lean into using a URL Shortener (bitly). Definitely, would prefer to use an "insert hyperlink" and then update "text to display."

    Again, thank you for helping me with this work around. I wonder if it will pass however I am doubtful since it doesn't have an elegant look like we need for our audience. Hope smartsheet's can add this feature.

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