Formulas and Functions

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Countif numbers of dates in a column between two dates


I'm trying to automatically calculate the number of dates (in another sheet) which are between two dates in my master data sheet. I can use the COUNTIF function to find the number of dates on/after my first date using the following function:

=COUNTIF({Enquiry Tracker - Date Raised Column}, >=[Reporting To (Week Ending)]@row)

However, I want to calculate the number of dates in the same list between two 'Reporting To' dates i.e. Fri 11-Jun-2021 and Fri 25-Jun-2021.

Can anyone please help me out?

I've tried using nested COUNTIF and AND functions but I just keep getting an error message.

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  • Answer ✓

    Hey everyone - thanks for your feedback on my issue and finally got a working solution based on some of the ideas above.

    Have to say this is a great community for sharing ideas/solutions between everyone. 😀


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