Dependencies - Delay of one month



currently working on a "calculator" that distributes dates based on the "Start date" input from the user.

I need to use dependencies, however I don't find a way to include 1 month as a delay (if the input date is 25/08, then the next date is 25/09).

Is there a way to achieve this ?

I was using formulas before, but you can't force a formula from a report...

Thanks !



  • Genevieve P.

    Hi @Kypeo

    If you're using dependencies, have you looked at adding Lag Time? For example, I've added 20 working days between my dependent tasks:

    See the very bottom of this Help Article for more information: Enable Dependencies and Use Predecessors

    Let me know if this helps!



  • Kypeo
    Kypeo ✭✭✭

    Hello @Genevieve P. ,

    thank you for you feedback ! I tried to use the lag but it doesn't allow me to configure exactly one month.

    Depending of the month and the start date, 20 working days doesn't always work. For example : 01/01/21 + 20d = 29/01/2021.

    My goal is to have the same "day of month", in the next month. In Excel it would be the EDATE function.


  • Genevieve P.

    Hi @Kypeo

    Formulas cannot be placed in Predecessor columns that are being used for Dependencies (see: areas where formula use is restricted).

    This means that you would need to identify how many working days would equal one month to manually add that as lag time within the Predecessor column.

    For example, 01/01/21 where you add 21 working days will then come to 03/02/21. This is because 01/02/21 is a weekend, so the next task will start on a working day:

    If you were not using dependencies, you could use a formula to add 1 month to the date. Here's a help article that goes through working with Dates in Formulas, and another one on the MONTH function. Let me know if you want to go down that route instead and I'm happy to help.



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