Pull information from report to sheet



I have a template that my team uses for data collection each time we get a new lot of diagnostic tests we need to quality check. In one folder, "data collection forms" there are many sheets, as each lot gets it's own sheet. New lots are tested every day, so the sheets in this folder are constantly being added to.

We need to create a document that reports whether each sample tested showed the expected result (a positive HIV sample showed up as positive on the test). Right now, I have a "Data Summary Sheet" that has other information we need to report to our donors as well, and was hoping to add a checkbox field for each sample tested that would confirm that the sample tested as expected. The Data Summary Sheet catalogues all lots of tests that we have received, so I was hoping to use a report function to pull all the data collection sheets into one neatly grouped report. From there, I was going to use a cross-sheet IF formula or Data Mesh to pull the information from the report to the Data Summary Sheet so it could be mapped into our document.

Is there a different way to do this since we don't have the functionality of using formulas or premium apps to pull information from a report to a sheet?

Thanks for your guidance!


  • Sean Morgan

    Hey @Sophie Knudson

    I can see that you may already be speaking with our Support Team.

    As you already speaking with them, I would continue to work with them and carry out the actions discussed there.

    If there are any issues, please do not hesitate to respond to the Email from our Support Team.



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