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COUNTIFS with Date range with @row

I have the current formula that counts the start date but I wanted to see if i could do a range of dates from start date to end date and count those. Any Advice?

=COUNTIFS([Staff Team]:[Staff Team], [Staff Team]@row, [Start Date]:[Start Date], [Start Date]@row)


Best Answer

  • Moderator
    Answer ✓

    Hello @Christopher Neal

    It looks like you would be looking for something like this:

    =COUNTIFS([Staff Team]:[Staff Team], [Staff Team]@row, [Start Date]:[Start Date], >=[Start Date]@row,[End Date]:[End Date],<=[End Date]@row)

    This would return the number of records for the Staff Team of that row; that have a Start Date >= the Start Date of that row, and an End Date >= the End Date of that row.

    Hope this helps!

    Let me know if I have misunderstood your question!




  • Moderator
    Answer ✓

    Hello @Christopher Neal

    It looks like you would be looking for something like this:

    =COUNTIFS([Staff Team]:[Staff Team], [Staff Team]@row, [Start Date]:[Start Date], >=[Start Date]@row,[End Date]:[End Date],<=[End Date]@row)

    This would return the number of records for the Staff Team of that row; that have a Start Date >= the Start Date of that row, and an End Date >= the End Date of that row.

    Hope this helps!

    Let me know if I have misunderstood your question!



  • That worked perfectly thanks!

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