Formulas and Functions

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Date format


Could you make it possible to edit the date format as you can in excel or add this date format DD.MM.YYYY?


  • Moderator

    Hello @Trond

    At this time, that specific formatting for date is currently not available but it is a really great idea! Please submit an enhancement request on this to be considered for future development in Smartsheet.

    In the meantime, an alternate solution is to use a helper column (date column) and convert that into a text that formats DD.MM.YYYY. See the sample below on how it would look like!

    Formula used. I used an IFERROR function so if it gives you an error message, it would just leave it blank.

    =IFERROR(DAY([Date Column]@row) + "." + IF(MONTH([Date Column]@row) = 1, "01", IF(MONTH([Date Column]@row) = 2, "02", IF(MONTH([Date Column]@row) = 3, "03", IF(MONTH([Date Column]@row) = 4, "04", IF(MONTH([Date Column]@row) = 5, "05", IF(MONTH([Date Column]@row) = 6, "06", IF(MONTH([Date Column]@row) = 7, "07", IF(MONTH([Date Column]@row) = 8, "08", IF(MONTH([Date Column]@row) = 9, "09", IF(MONTH([Date Column]@row) = 10, "10", IF(MONTH([Date Column]@row) = 11, "11", IF(MONTH([Date Column]@row) = 12, "12")))))))))))) + "." + YEAR([Date Column]@row), "")

    Also, we do have the DD-MMM-YYYY type of format available - Example 22-JAN-2021

    More information in the link here: Apply Standardized Date Formats in Your Sheet

    Hope this helps!



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