Smartsheet pulling data from a API


Asking the community to see if you all have found a solution that smartsheet currently does not have one for. We are building an API for ourselves and our 3rd Party Partners to have access to a single source of data that smartsheets and other products would pull from.

However, smartsheet does not have a solution to PULL from an API without a third-party system and you have to bypass the API and go directly to the SQL which is what we do NOT want to do. Plus we are unable to share a master sheet with our 3rd Party Partners because of other issues.

We have asked smartsheet to have a custom API connector but who knows if and when they may build one and their current API does not allow to pull data from a source.

Does someone have some advice?

Thanks in advance,



  • Richard Rymill SBP
    Richard Rymill SBP ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Hi Mark

    our team of Smartsheet consultants and developers have handled a range of similarly challenging matters and always found the best solution.

    If you can have a chat with our CTO Dr James Harris then we can better understand your issue?

    If you can email me, i'm the CEO i'll set that up for you.

    Just to say this would be a free initial consultation, if we cannot solve this, I would be very surprised.

