What formula can I use to identify blank columns?


I'd like my column to call out "missing fields" if someone fails to input information to all columns of the spreadsheet. Here is the formula I have in place but I am getting an error.

=IF(ISBLANK([Partner Name]1):([Tracking Method]1), "Missing Field")


  • Kevin Smith
    Kevin Smith ✭✭✭✭✭✭


    I do not believe you can use a range on ISBLANK. It maybe limited to one value like this:

    =IF(ISBLANK([Task Name]1), "Cell is blank", "Cell isn't blank")

    You could nest a bunch of IF/ISBLANKS with ORs but depending on how many columns you have, that might be a messy way to do it.

    I was thinking about this and it might prove to be easier, if it would work for you, to create a report , include all columns, and use a filter that looks like this:

    This would show you right away if there are blanks. The other way I use at times is to use the Conditional Formatting to make a row with missing info stand out:

    I can be lazy at times but there are a couple of ways you can do it. I would like to know how you decide to solve your challenge.

    Please let me know if I can help.

    Thank you,


    Happy to help if I can.

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  • MissE1212

    I just tried it. If I go the conditional formatting route the "AND" would not properly identify ANY missing fields. If column A has data but column B does NOT it would not be flagged since technically there is info in column A. I think an "or" feature is needed for this to work.

    Essentially, it would only identify the row as incomplete if ALL fields were missing. I need to note if just one field is missing. Thanks for your help!

  • Kevin Smith
    Kevin Smith ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    If you want to use the formatting you need to enter each as new, like this.

    Thank you,


    Happy to help if I can.

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